Sooner or later world has to start the best possible practices and has to shun the bad ones because this is the only way to make our future less horrible than the present. The attack of COVID-19 in particular and other big problems like wars and hate that have made this world a horrible place full of patients and dead bodies are quite enough to make us realize that the path we have chosen for us is not leading us towards better future instead it is leading us towards the depths and darkness. If we really want to make our lives peaceful and prosperous we immediately have to change our priorities. We have to shun the paths of hate. We have to stop fighting wars. We have to end the policy of hate. We have to discourage the habit of crisis management and have to inculcate the habit of crisis resolution. We have tried and practiced a lot but even after great efforts, we, the men and the women of this globe, have totally failed to export good out of hate speeches and conspiracy theories but have found nothing and today almost all of us are standing empty-handedly and powerlessly and a tiny virus is brutally massacring generation and generations before us. This is too much. Enough is enough. It’s time now to take a paradigm shift. From now onwards all of us have to sign a new accord and that should be the accord of love and friendship, peace and security, trust and responsibility, love and knowledge, research and development and caring and sharing. If we are ready to sign this accord, we may become able to survive otherwise the pandemic has not yet over! Therefore, those who are in the field of cardboard or Kraft packaging and are manufacturing or dealing in the wholesale of Custom Boxes, custom packaging boxes, custom Kraft boxes, custom gable boxes, custom wholesale boxes should try their level best to play their role in redirecting the world towards love and knowledge instead of practicing hate and wars.
The Role of Packaging Industry
The best practices are the need of the time. Such practices are a demand for the survival of human civilization. All those who have any type of influence on any scale and in any part of the world should use it to ensure the cultivation of the culture of knowledge, research, peace, security, prosperity and love. Those who themselves can do any good thing, should do it and those who can motivate others to do so, should do it. In this scenario, when we cast a glance over the paper custom packaging industry or the peers of packaging, we easily become able to realize that they have a great influence in the society as they work for multiple big and powerful businesses so they can motivate or convince their business partners, colleagues, clients and other contacts, out of whom some are manufacturers and wholesalers of cosmetics, cigarettes, cartridges, pillows, soaps, bath bombs, candies, candles, cereals, popcorns, mobiles, computers and so on and so forth, to play their role in promoting the culture of knowledge, research and love. The product manufacturers, designers, wholesalers, retailers and general customers that use Soap or Kraft custom boxes are not less than billions across the globe and if the packaging professionals try to convince them to make, sell, purchase and use health friendly and ecofriendly items only and never wait in exposing those who are working against the humanity, it will doubtlessly be a great service.
Direction of Packaging Professionals
Usually we think that we are not very powerful. Some of us think that we need money so we should try to earn it at any cost. Some of us think that we should earn money without bearing any loss for ourselves and we don’t need to bother about the rights of others. This is the chief problem of our civilization. We have learnt to compromise. We have developed a habit to surrender before our needs. We have fallen in love of money. We have fallen in love with power. And to achieve this love we don’t care about anything. We even don’t care of our health. We don’t bother about the health of our atmosphere. We don’t care about the health of our fellow human beings as well as of the coming generations. But this is not a good attitude and its time now to correct ourselves. It’s time now to accept and overcome our flaws and drawbacks. Those who don’t accept their flaws and drawbacks, never become able to correct themselves. Acceptance is the first step towards correction. Crux of this discussion is that no matter you are producing custom printed Soap Boxes with logo, cell phones, clothes, electronic items, plants, medicines or anything else, you should shun to manufacture anything dangerous for health and hygiene. You should produce only ecofriendly stuff. You should not offer your or your firm’s services to those who are not true with their surroundings. You should also try your level best to use your influence in order to convince others like your clients, colleagues, partners, co-business owners and staff etc. to leave all those practices which are bad for the common cause of common good.
Precedent of Packaging
Paper packaging industry has a golden opportunity to convince others towards good practices by putting its own glorious example before others. Soap Boxes used by all products like cosmetic boxes, retail boxes, Kraft packaging boxes, etc. are doing great good to all by ensuring the protection, beautification, shipment, wholesale and exhibition of the packed items without causing any harm to the ecosystem. This precedent should be highlighted by the peers of packaging industry as much as possible, not for the sake of personal publicity but to motivate others to follow it in order to play their part for the collective betterment of the human society as well as to ensure that they are not part of that small antisocial community which has played its role in devastating the future of our coming generations.